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Learning journey - core physical education

learning journey - gcse physical education

learning journey - cnat sports studies

learning journey - ncfe health and fitness

Reading in PE

Year 7

Autumn Term

In the first term in year 7 pupils will develop their knowledge of the importance of a warm-up and be able to recognise the key rules in a variety of sports. Pupils will develop their ability to be respectful to staff and students and ensure they can communicate clearly with others. This term will allow pupils to develop their ability to perform demanding skills consistently to meet the demands of challenging situations.

Spring Term

During the spring term pupils will gain knowledge so they can explain how the body responds to exercise. They will begin to understand how to apply specific tactics and strategies and be able to choreograph a routine. Pupils will demonstrate the ability to be self-motivated to participate in a range of activities and can express their emotions effectively. When participating in a variety of activities pupils will recognise that situations change in physical activity and sport and will create a toolkit of solutions to these issues. Pupils will develop their performance skills to be well timed and full of expression.

Summer Term 

Pupils will use their knowledge of their performance to identify strengths and areas for improvement. During the summer activities pupils will show they are hardworking and resilient and eagerly accept difficult challenges. Pupils will be able to participate in physical activity for sustained periods of time and be able to work at maximum levels in relation to speed, height, strength and stamina.

Year 8

Autumn Term

During the autumn term year 8 pupils will understand the benefits of following an active healthy lifestyle on physical, emotional and social wellbeing. Pupils will recognise key rules in a sport and know the consequences if rules are broken. The importance of being respectful and positive to staff and students will be highlighted along with the importance of being self-motivated and how pupils can inspire others to participate. Pupils will consistently perform a variety of skills in competitive situations and will be able to anticipate changes in situations in a range of physical activities.

Spring Term

Pupils will be able to identify the short and long-term effects of training. They will also further their knowledge to understand tactical concepts and apply these in competitive situations. Pupils will be able to choreograph a group routine with advanced skills and show expression and good timing. Using verbal and non-verbal communication to communicate with peers will be developed along with improving the ability of pupils to express their emotions effectively.

Summer Term

Pupils will use their knowledge of performance to describe strengths and areas for improvements for their self and their peers. They will be consistently hardworking, demonstrate resilience and eagerly accept challenge. Pupils will be able to participate in physical activity for a sustained period of time in a variety of activities. They will show determination when working at maximum performance to speed, height, strength and stamina.

Year 9

Autumn Term  

During this term pupils will develop their leadership skills in order to lead an effective warm-up. Pupils will understand and play to full rules and regulations of a variety of sports. The importance of being respectful and having positive relationships with staff and pupils will be taught. Pupils will consistently select, apply and adapt a variety of skills in competitive situations. They will be able to anticipate and respond to changes in situations in physical activity and sport.

Spring Term  

As pupils develop their ability to be more independent, they will begin to plan and implement tactics and strategies to a range of activities. They will also design an effective group routine using advanced skills with good timing and control. This will provide pupils with an environment that they can express their own emotions and be empathetic to the emotions of others. Pupils will develop the knowledge they have acquired in year 8 and now be able to describe the short- and long-term effects of training.

Summer Term  

Pupils will demonstrate they can participate in physical activity for a sustained period of time with good levels of fitness. Pupils can demonstrate they can be determined when working at their maximum performance in relation to speed, height, strength and stamina. With the breadth of knowledge pupils have acquired they will have the skills to be able to analyse strengths and weaknesses and use this information to improve a performance. This will provide pupils the opportunity to show they are hardworking, resilient and helpful to staff and other pupils in lessons.

Year 10 core physical education

Autumn Term 

During this term pupils will use their leadership skills to lead an effective practice to improve performance. Pupils will enforce full rules and regulations consistently for a variety of sports. They will consistently be respectful and have positive relationships with staff and pupils. Pupils will select, apply and adapt a variety of advanced skills in competitive situations. They will be able to effectively anticipate and respond to changes in situations in physical activity and sport.

Spring Term

This term will stress the importance of being independent and self-motivated. Pupils they will have the confidence to plan and implement advanced tactics and strategies to a range of activities. They can design an effective group routine using advanced skills with good timing, control and fluency. This will provide pupils with an environment that they can express good control of their emotions. Pupils will be able to explain the short- and long-term effects of training.

Summer Term

Pupils will demonstrate they can participate in physical activity for a sustained period of time with good levels of fitness in a wide variety of activities. Pupils can demonstrate they can be determined and persevere when working at their maximum performance in relation to speed, height, strength and stamina. They can also help to motivate others to participate. With the breadth of knowledge pupils have acquired they will be able to outwit opponents by playing to their own strengths and exploiting the weaknesses of their opponents.

Year 10 gcse physical education

Autumn Term 

Pupils will begin their GCSE PE learning journey preparing for their Paper 2 exam. Pupils will demonstrate a detailed understanding of the relationship between health and fitness and the role that exercise plays in both. They will understand that increasing physical activity can improve emotional, social and physical health and reduce various health risks. Pupils will analyse various lifestyle choices and their impact on health, fitness and wellbeing. They will also be able to analyse how a personal exercise programme and diet can be used to promote personal health and manage weight control.

Spring Term  

This term pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology in preparation for their Paper 1 exam. Pupils will explain the functions and structure of the skeleton along with movements at joints. This leads onto how the skeletal system links with the muscular system to create movement for physical activity. The role of antagonistic pairs, muscle fibres, tendons and ligaments will be explored as how they help to improve performance. Pupils will learn about the cardiovascular system in relation to the importance of blood, the cardiac cycle and the relationship with the respiratory system to ensure the body can perform effectively. Movement analysis will be studies so pupils can discover how planes, axes of movement and levers can enhance performance.

Summer Term

In this term pupils will commence their learning of the psychological factors that impact performance and physical activity. Pupils will be able to classify skills and give guidance and feedback on performances. Pupils will be able to set smart goals in order to maximise their performance and the benefits of exercise. They will explore the components of fitness and fitness testing to monitor their performance.

year 11 core physical education

Autumn Term 

The focus for year 11 is to develop independent individuals who have the desire to participate in physical activity when they leave school. Therefore, pupils are to take a lead on suggesting and implementing improvements in play to improve the performance of a team or individual. Pupils will organise and lead competitions and enforce full rules and regulations consistently for a variety of sports. Pupils can also plan and carry out a training programme to improve their personal fitness. They will consistently be respectful and have positive relationships with staff and pupils even when taking on different roles. Pupils will consistently select, apply and adapt a variety of advanced skills in competitive situations. They will be able to work well with others when effectively anticipating and responding to changes in situations in physical activity and sport.

Spring Term 

This term will stress the importance of being independent and self-motivated plus encouraging others to fully participate. Pupils they will have the confidence to plan and implement advanced tactics and strategies to a range of activities even in challenging situations. They can design an effective group routine using advanced skills with good timing, expression, control and fluency. Pupils with can express excellent control of their emotions and demonstrate sportsmanship. Pupils will be able to explain the short- and long-term effects of training using technical vocabulary.

Summer Term 

Pupils will demonstrate they can participate in physical activity for a sustained period of time with excellent levels of fitness in a wide variety of activities. Pupils can consistently demonstrate they can be determined and persevere when working at their maximum performance in relation to speed, height, strength and stamina. They can also help to motivate others to participate. With the breadth of knowledge pupils have acquired they will be able to work with others in a team to outwit opponents by playing to their own strengths and exploiting the weaknesses of their opponents.

Year 11 gcse physical education

Autumn Term

In year 11 pupils will use the knowledge they have gained at year 10 to assist them in devising a personal exercise programme which applies the principles of training and the importance of warmups and cool downs to improve the components of fitness for a specific sports performance. Pupils will analyse data to evaluate the effectiveness of their training and recommend how to optimise their training and prevent injury.

Spring Term

This term will be dedicated to component 3 of the course, the coursework. Pupils will be assessed on their skills in analysing and evaluate performance through a personalised exercise programme in order to improve performance in a chosen physical activity. Pupils will be assessed on their ability to devise an aim and plan a programme, carry out and monitor the programme and finally evaluate the data and the programme and provide recommendations for future training.

Summer Term  

In the final term pupils will study the socio-cultural aspects that impacts participation in sport and physical activity. This involves explaining engagement patterns of different social groups and understanding how commercialisation impacts participation. Pupils will also complete revision to ensure they are fully prepared for their exams.

year 11 ncfe health  and fitness

Autumn Term

Pupils will be consolidating their learning this term in preparation for their Unit 1 exam, an introduction to body systems and the principles of training in health and fitness. They will understand the structure and functions of the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Pupils will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the short- and long-term effects of exercise and how the components of fitness and the principles of training all link to maximise results.

Spring Term

This term will focus on Unit 2 the Synoptic Project. This unit provides learners with the knowledge and understanding to be able to prepare and plan for health and fitness. Pupils will know and understand the impact of lifestyle on health and fitness and be able to analyse data to set goals. Pupils will know and understand how to test and develop components of fitness and understand how to structure a health and fitness programme and how to prepare safely for health and fitness activities.

Summer Term

This term will be used strategically to ensure pupils achieve their potential. Pupils may be given the opportunity to re-sit their Unit 1 or resubmit their Unit 2 to improve their overall grade. Therefore, teaching in this term will be personalised to the needs of the learner.

Pupils will have the opportunity to attend a variety of extra-curricular PE clubs such as; Badminton, Rugby, Netball and Football which develop their academic, social and personal skills. A full range of extra-curricular sporting activities can be found on the Enrichment Activities page. The department offer academic clubs to support pupils with GCSE PE and Health and Fitness qualifications to ensure they achieve their potential. Pupils can develop their social skills when attending PE clubs as pupils will work together to overcome challenges or when competing for the school team. Pupils can develop their personal skills at PE clubs as they will be able to identify and excel in their talents and be proud of their achievements.

C Priestley, Subject Leader for Physical Education