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Careers & Student Destinations

The Telford Langley School is committed to providing an engaging, aspirational and broad careers programme. We recognise that this can, in part, be achieved by providing high quality, timely and age-appropriate careers education, information, advice and guidance. We believe that all students should have opportunities to explore their strengths and interests so that they can make better informed choices. The comprehensive careers programme at The Telford Langley School has been developed in accordance with the ‘Eight Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance’.

Key Contacts for Careers:

Victoria Millage (Careers)- (01952 386700)

Michael Oxenham (Work Experience) - (01952 386700)

Jeanette Skelton– Careers Advisor, FutureFocus (01952 388988)

Alison Pugh – Enterprise Advisor

Key Documents & Useful Resources:

Our careers policy and provider access policy are on our policies and documents page Click here to access.

Guide to Employment and Training in Telford Click here to access

Post-16 Opportunities across Telford Click here to access

work experience

The Telford Langley School Work Experience

Work Experience is up and running with a large proportion of students successfully gaining and enjoying placements last academic year (22-23). Please read the information below carefully and start to consider where you would like to visit for your work experience placement in Year 10. The placement may be in a field that you are interested in or it may be a placement that will benefit you in gaining ‘soft skills’, for example: communication, customer service, confidence or numeracy.

Work Experience Date 2023-2024:

  • Work Experience Week: 8th – 12th July  

Welcome to your Work Experience 2023-2024 programme. Telford Langley is working with Telford and Wrekin Education Business Links (EBL) to help you acquire the skills and knowledge that will prepare you for the workplace and to inspire you to plan for and achieve a successful future.

We use a website called GroFar to help search for, and confirm, work experience placements.

What GroFar does do?

  • GroFar will allow you to search a database of companies that have previously offered work experience
  • GroFar provides you with the contact details of these companies so that you can contact them yourself
  • Allows you to add a new company if you have found a placement that is not on the GroFar database

What does GroFar not do?

  • GroFar does not contact companies for you. You have to email, phone, or contact a company in person yourself to organise your work experience.

Suggested templates to use when contacting companies can be found on the website:  The Telford Langley School - Careers & Student Destinations . This part of the school website also has a ‘GroFar Student Guide’ which shows you how to use the website and search for placements. You will also receive a year group assembly on this and your RSHE teachers are here to help guide you through the process in the coming months.

How do I use the GroFar website - :

  • Step 1. Create an account. An email has been sent to student’s school email addresses asking you to set up a password. We recommend that you use your school password so that you don’t forget the password you make for GroFar.
  • Step 2. Access the ‘GroFar Student Guide’ to help you use the website.

Please remember: this is just the start of the process. You will have an assembly and your RSHE teachers will be here to help you and guide you through the process in the coming weeks and months.

What should I do now?

  1. Finish setting up your GroFar account by making a password
  2. Start using GroFar to search for companies that have offered placements before
  3. Start contacting companies to try and find a work experience placement week beginning 08th July 2024.






Careers links


Xello is an online career resource that provides live Post-16 opportunities, such as apprenticeship vacancies, sixth form and college courses and university options. It also provides career advice and guidance so young people can make well-informed decisions to enhance their futures. Xello is your Careers resource and each student will have a personal log in to Xello.

You can maintain and refer to your Xello careers record for ease of applications to Post- 16 and to track your progress on your career journey.

We will be looking at Xello in assembly and tutor sessions to know what it is, get used to using it and utilise some of the benefits of this platform. Link to Log in:


University Links

Business partnerships

We develop links with local businesses including:

  • Education Business Links (Telford and Wrekin)
  • McDonald's
  • Reassure
  • Severn Trent
  • Phillips Accountants
  • RAF
  • Navy
  • Army
  • BAE Systems

We would love to hear from businesses that are willing to engage with our pupils and give industry insights and opportunities either face to face or virtually. If you would like to link with The Telford Langley School please click here to contact us.

If you would like to link with The Telford Langley School please click here to contact us.

ks3 careers guidance

Students study Key Stage 3 over three years (Years 7-9) to enable them to access the full breadth of the National Curriculum.

In Year 9 students choose bespoke pathways for KS4 study; appropriate for their preferred career route and to equip them with the knowledge and skills for Post-16 courses and training.

It is important that pupils consider the subjects they enjoy, progress and attain well in and that will provide them with the knowledge and skills to move into the career they are aiming for.

Students receive careers information from various sources throughout the academic year. This includes in subject lessons, through the PSHE program delivered in tutor time and in Careers assemblies, speakers, visitors and trips.

Our Careers Curriculum Learning Journey can be found in the Careers Map tab. You will be able to see some of the fantastic opportunities and experiences on offer for Careers, starting from Transition and Year 7 through to Year 11 and Post- 16.

ks4 careers guidance

Students study Key Stage 4 over two years (Years 10-11) to enable them to access their core subjects of English, Maths and Science and to study their selected options.

Students receive careers information from various sources throughout the academic year. This includes in subject lessons, through the PSHE and tutor time programme and in careers assemblies, visiting speakers, work experience placements and activities and trips.

Every student in Year 11 receives 1:1 Guidance from our Future Focus Careers Advisor: Jeanette Skelton.

If you require an appointment with the Career Advisor, please email:

Our Careers Curriculum Learning Journey can be found in the Careers Map tab. You will be able to see some of the fantastic opportunities and experiences on offer for Careers, starting from Transition and Year 7 through to Year 11 and Post- 16.


We aim to update this section of the website with monthly apprenticeship, work experience and employer delivered opportunities.








Advice for parents and carers of children with SEND


Are you a parent who has something to give in terms of a contribution to the school careers plan?

Get in touch and let us know what you can offer. Click here to contact the Telford Langley School.


post-16 choices

Students are required by the government to remain in education or employment with training up until the age of 18.

Students are supported throughout Year 11 by our Future Focus Careers Advisor. They will all have 1:1 meetings throughout the year, exploring their possible pathways and career options.

Some students start this process in Year 10 to ensure they are ready to progress by the end of year 11.

Following Year 11, students may progress to:

  • Sixth Form: Usually offering academic routes e.g. A- Level although some also offer applied BTEC courses.
  • College: Choice of academic routes such as A-Level, the new T-Level which bridges the gap between academic and technical education and a wide range of vocational courses.                       



  • Apprenticeship: These highly sought-after positions are a great way to work and learn ‘on the job’ whilst gaining valuable qualifications and training.
  • Training Provider: Offer training in a variety of areas from ‘Entry Level’ to ‘Level 3’.

Please find a link to a range of Post- 16 opportunities across Telford.


An apprenticeship is an opportunity to work and study at the same time. Most of your time is spent doing on-the-job training, and the rest is spent working towards a qualification. You’ll get paid a salary and be part of a team, just like a standard employee, but you’ll also get dedicated study time throughout the week.

The qualification you can achieve could vary from the equivalent to GCSEs, to a master’s degree depending on the level of apprenticeship you take. More information on Apprenticeships can be found at the National Careers Service


Parent/Carer WEBINARS for Apprenticeship Information. Click on the link below  and book on to webinars to gain knowledge and information on how to find suitable apprenticeships for your daughter/son, how to support them in applying and how to succeed when they have started:


The document below offers very useful advice to Parents and Carers on how to support your child through the process of finding and applying for apprenticeships.



post-16 provider expression of interest


careers plan


We intend an impact of our curriculum to be that we develop our students for later life including the workplace. Our curriculum is regularly reviewed against reports such as the Nesta/Pearson “The Future of Skills” and the Business in the Community Essential Skills Campaign to ensure that we are meeting, as far as well as are able to predict, the future needs of our students. Careers Independent Advice and Guidance (CIAG) is received by students in Year 7 through to Year 11.

We are supported by Telford and Wrekin’s Future Focus programme who coordinates a number of programmes and initiatives including careers sessions, a careers fair, work experience (Year 10) and external speakers. Students in any year can request a careers interview and students in Year 11 and Year are allocated an interview automatically. Our careers programme is regularly assessed against the Gatsby benchmarks.




labour market information

Students must understand the full range of opportunities available to them in the area they live in.

Current Labour Market Information Platform: Engage with how your career path fits in to Shropshire’s current labour market.

Local Labour Market Information (LMI) is shared with pupils in assemblies, PSHE sessions and on digital signage around school. This information can be used by students to decide what skills are most in demand in Telford and Wrekin, The Midlands and nationally. This knowledge can help students to plan their careers and decide whether they need to re-locate or travel to pursue their chosen field.




Telford and Wrekin have provided an excellent online brochure outlining information about Education, Employment and Training in Telford and Wrekin.