Early Help Offer
Providing ‘Early Help’ to our children and their families at The Telford Langley School means we can be more effective in ensuring children thrive and become successful.
Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges.
We understand that family life can sometimes seem challenging. From time to time, there may be situations where you need a little help and support.
To support and advise you during challenging times, we have our Early Help Offer.
Below details some of the support that we can offer as well as different services we can direct you to:
Support |
Explanation |
Breakfast Club (Term time) |
Pupils who are entitled to free school meals can access breakfast club. This runs from 8am in Heart Space. |
Breakfast Club (During school holidays) |
Available at Dawley Town Hall Monday-Thursday from 9-11am. Old Park Primary school Monday – Friday from 9-11am. A free healthy breakfast is provided. Pancake making, baking and craft activities are also available depending on the season. *Children must be accompanied by a parent/carer. |
Free School Meals |
Your child, or children, may qualify for Free School Meals if you meet the following criteria:
How do I apply? - Free School Meals - Telford & Wrekin Council |
Attendance Support |
If you require any information relating to attendance, please contact our EWO (Education Welfare Officer) Donna Smith who will be happy to help you. |
Quiet space for SEMH (Social emotional mental health) students. |
Every break and lunchtime in the Drama Studio. |
Weekly PCSO (Police community support officer) visits. |
Every Monday from 12.15-14.00 in the Heart Space. |
Emotional Support Referral |
School can complete an Emotional Support Referral to support with MH or Trauma. This will be triaged to see if ELSA or Counselling is required. |
A range of SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health Interventions). Bereavement support and drug/alcohol misuse. |
Please follow this link for information around our SEMH provision: |
Referral to School Nursing (Healthy Child Programme) |
Referrals can be made around the following concerns: physical, emotional, developmental, maternal low mood, sleep, behaviour, feeding/weaning, accident prevention, sexual health, diet, weight and communication. Please contact the Pastoral Support Officer for your child’s house. Chetwood - Lisa.Elliott@taw.org.uk Ellis - Kylie.evison1@taw.org.uk Springwell - Elizabeth.Catchpole@taw.org.uk Webb - Hervinder.Kaur@taw.org.uk |
Teacher feedback/Referral to the SEND department |
If you have any concerns regarding your child and their learning, please get in touch with our SENDCO Rebecca Lannigan who will be able to assist you further. |
Signposting to SENDIASS |
Support for Parents/Carers of children with additional needs. |
Signposting to Telford Children’s Autism Hub |
The Children’s Autism Hub is open to all children and young people aged 0-18, and their families, who have a diagnosis of Autism. |
Referral to BeeU (previously CAMHS) |
School can refer to Bee U if there are high-level concerns around anxiety or as recommended by other professionals. This will be triaged by their team to discuss support available. Bee U Crisis referrals to support with suicidal ideation and self-harm. |
Referral to Young Carers |
Practical and emotional support for children who may be a Young Carer. Young carers may have to deal with a range of illnesses with the person they care for, such as disability, chronic illness, mental health difficulties or problems with drug/alcohol misuse. |
Telford Crisis Support |
As a school, we can refer families for support via the Telford Crisis Team. They can support temporarily with food, toiletries, school uniform, financial support/advice and gas/electricity support. They also offer a winter coat & shoe project to support families in need along with a baby & toddler bank. Telford Crisis Support – Volunteer led since 2013 Please contact your child’s Pastoral Support Officer should you need any assistance. |
Dawley Food Bank |
If you are running low on food and need some support, pop into your local food bank where they will be happy to help. Location: Dawley Christian Centre Days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday Times: 10.30 – 12.30 Contact number - 01952 505108 |
Transport |
Support with transport. If your child meets the following criteria: A child is between 11 and 16 years old and lives more than 2 miles away but less than 6 miles from their nearest suitable school. How do I apply? - School travel assistance - Telford & Wrekin Council |
Dawley Library |
First point phone – Free to call Telford & Wrekin support lines for advice/guidance. |
Youth Club – Dawley Town Hall |
Monday from 17.30-19.00 Thursday from 15.15 – 17.00 Lots of activities and free snacks/refreshments provided. 01952 567910 |
Youth Club drop in at Telford Langley School |
Abi the Youth Officer attends Telford Langley school every Wednesday lunchtime to meet/greet and play board games with our young people. |
Parent drop ins |
These are held every half-term. Information will be sent via email. |
Referral to PEGS (Parental Education Growth Support) |
PEGS are an organisation specifically founded to support parents, carers and guardians who are experiencing domestic abuse at the hands of their own children. Child to parent abuse | Parental Education Growth Support (PEGS) (pegsupport.co.uk) |
Signposting and/or referral to PODS (Parents Opening Doors) |
PODs are a parent support group for parents with children with additional needs. They provide advice, someone to talk to and hold regular workshops. |
Solihull Parenting Course |
Online parenting course. • The same content as a face-to-face parenting group. • Available in 108 languages*, with voiceovers in English and Urdu. • Digital parenting offers are available. • Can be accessed at any time during the day. Home - Solihull Approach | Parenting (solihullapproachparenting.com) Please contact your child’s Pastoral Support Officer for further information. |
Referral to Strengthening Families via the EHA (Early Help) process |
Strengthening Families provide local services for families with children aged 0-19 through children and family centres or at the family home on a one-to-one basis. A strengthening families worker supports the family by bringing all services together in a multi-agency approach to support the family.
What is an Early Help Assessment:
This starts with an Early Help conversation. As a parent or carer, you will chat with one of our PSOs (Pastoral Support Officers) about what’s going well and what’s not going well for you and your family, and they will let you know what sort of help is available. This conversation might lead to an Early Help Assessment (EHA) which is how we get a full picture about the whole family. We use it to help you see what is working well and identify the areas where you could do with a bit of extra support. It is your choice to take part in the assessment and you can choose who else should be involved.
Every person and family is different, but an Early Help Assessment (EHA) will:
- Help you see what’s going well and not so well for your family.
- Help you to see what support you might need.
- Create a picture of your family’s circumstances.
- Help you to be part of a team of people working together on the same plan to get things going well again.
What happens after an Early Help Assessment?
With your permission, people from different organisations working with your family will share information and work together to help support you and your children. This could be school, Strengthening Families support practitioners, health visitors, school nurse, etc. This may then be followed by a ‘Support plan’ meeting. You need to give your consent as your personal information belongs to you.
What is an Early Help Support plan?
The family and workers involved come together to make a support plan. This is reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that progress is being made for your family and that the right support is in place. At these meetings a ‘lead worker’ is selected. It may be the person the family see most frequently, the one most involved or the most approachable. The lead worker arranges the review meetings and is someone you can speak to at any point about concerns or issues you or your family are facing.
Early Help Lead is Kylie Evison – Pastoral Support Officer and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: kylie.evison1@taw.org.uk