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Yr9 Outward Bounds trip 8-13 April 24

Year 9 Outward Bound's Trip to Aberdovey April 8th - 12th 2024

The Telford Langley School are planning a residential trip to The Outward Bound Trust in Aberdovey Wales. This trip is taking place for 5 days from Monday 8th April to Friday 12th April 2024.
The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that uses the outdoors to provide life-changing educational courses and unique experiences for young people. The National Curriculum states young people should experience ‘learning outside the classroom’. The results of taking our students into a different environment and encouraging them to work better as a team, build self-confidence and take personal responsibility are outstanding. The difference back in the classroom, and at home, is often remarkable.

The Outward Bound Trust was founded in 1941 and they are the original provider of outdoor education, with an unrivalled safety record. Their mission is to inspire young people to believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible. We are particularly keen that our year 9 students are given the opportunity to access safe adventure in this way.
Outward Bound has five residential centres for young people in the UK and we have chosen to go to Aberdovey for 5 days. The cost of the course is £300 per student, which is fully inclusive of food, accommodation, bed-linen, outdoor kit, safety equipment, insurance and transportation. There will be an opportunity to pay the full amount of the trip in one instalment or in monthly instalments and payments will be received via ParentPay with a £50 non-refundable deposit.
Information regarding payment will be sent to parents/carers once the consent letter has been signed and our finance team has set up individuals ParentPay account with the relevant information.
The places for the residential will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and dependent on behaviour and attendance.

If you have any queries, please email me at You can also visit Outward Bound’s website to learn more about their work and to access useful information before the course.